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International Speaking Club “LCampus”


Международный языковой клуб

❗Address is posted in our telegram channel https://t.me/lcampus . Join it❗

+7 903 688-61-93


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Описание International Speaking Club “LCampus”

Welcome to LCampus Club!

It is a place where you can socialize, share your knowledge and life experience, make new friends from all over the world. Cultural differences are magnificently interesting!

We offer a variety of activities:

English with foreign tutors 

•Pre-Intermediate speaking club with tutors 

•Russian club for foreigners 

•Movie Club

•Board Games (Mafia, Alias, Concept, Munchkin, Carcassonne) 

•Speaking club in a bar with a stand-up comedian

• Speed meetings 

• Conversation club on different topics which change every meeting

It is FREE for you, if you are a foreign guest!

Специалисты International Speaking Club “LCampus”

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